Graduation Planning App

Stack: React, Express.js, MySQL
Group size: 5
Responsibility: As Scrum Master I ensured my team was following the Scrum framework for software development. This included leading team Scrum meetings, removing blockers, and defining issues for upcoming Sprints.
Lesson: Full-stack development with React, Express, and MySQL. Collaboration via Git
Pitch and Demo: GPA Final Project Video

GPA is a web application developed in a team of 5 students. Its purpose is to help students at SPU schedule their classes and keep track of their progress towards graduation. The video above and elevator pitch below explain it all.

Elevator Pitch: The Graduation Planning App (GPA) is an exciting new application designed to simplify academic planning and optimize the journey of students at SPU. GPA knows about SPU’s course offerings and stores each student’s graduation requirements to automatically suggest a plan for how to take the required courses to graduate. GPA is highly personalized because it can craft an academic path suited for a particular student based on their preferences. By automating and refining academic advising, GPA will free up valuable advisor time, increase scheduling accuracy, and enhance student satisfaction at SPU.

While developing GPA, I learned how to operate at a higher level within a team. Working closely with team members for an entire school year forced me to optimize my communication and conflict resolution skills. My previous group projects were less formal and did not utilize a software development framework like Scrum. As Scrum Master I was able to see firsthand how adhering to the Scrum framework supercharged development. I not only facilitated stand-ups and sprint planning meetings, but also resolved conflicts, removed blockers, and ensured adherence to Scrum principles to maintain team productivity.

If you would like to know more about this project feel free to reach out to me!