Dollar Scholar

Language: Javascript (React Native framework)
Group size: 4
Responsibility: Back-end
Lesson: I learned the value of user experience while developing the back-end of a mobile application.

Dollar Scholar was a mobile application developed in a team of 4 with the purpose of helping the user track the difference between what they budgeted and spent on certain categories. It consists of 3 pages that allow the user to review spending, write down transactions, and set monthly budgets.

My main responsibility in this app was developing the back-end which consisted of the Expo SQLite library (API layer) interacting with an SQLite database. This application went through various stages of designing and drafting; I contributed to all of them and led others. Some parts of the design process included a mood board, persona, navigation diagram, wireframe, and relational database diagram.

This application was my introduction to back-end development and taught me a lot of valuable lessons. One of these lessons was considering the user perspective very carefully before and throughout development. This allows you to do a much better job of meeting their expectations. I really look forward to learning more Javascript and developing some very satisfying mobile apps.

If you would like to know more about this project feel free to reach out to me!